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Our Mission is to introduce people to Jesus Christ as early in their lives as possible, and to encourage them in their desire to follow Him together in healthy relationships with other followers of Christ.

We believe that camps can be a great tool for this purpose. Here are 4 main approaches that we are focusing on.

Church Camps - We partner with churches to help provide a quality and cost effective facility for summer camps. The church should have a plan for continuing to disciple the campers following the week of camp. This approach allows the church to focus resources like time, energy and finances on continuing relationships, instead of primarily the week of camp.

Your Time / Their future -
An initiative that we are working to establish to go along with the Camp in a box package. While summer camps can be an important moment in the campers life, we believe that the most significant growth will come if they have a chance to be immediately mentored towards maturity. There is often not enough attention given to the last part of the great commission "teaching them to obey all that I have commanded."

With Your Time/ Their future, we are encouraging Christians 20 years and older to invite children from their communities to come to camp as a small group. This will be up to 4 children with the one leader. They will then invite the children to continue to meet weekly, following the camp, to build on the established trust, teach God's word and show what it means to live for Christ on a daily basis. The camp is really the starting point. A monthly meeting for leaders will provide prayer, encouragement, training and planning. In the future we would love to see the majority of camps run with the Camp in a Box packages to follow this approach.

Family Camps - A week of camp as a family can be a great way to build relationships, find encouragement, study God's word together and meet other families. It is also a great setting for Christians to bring other families from their communities to learn about who Jesus is and why that matters.

Church Planting - A great option for reaching a new region. Camp can be brought in and set up and organized for youth, children and families. Following the camps those who are interested can continue to meet and be discipled.